Title | Contents | Box | Logo | Year | Type of Release | Series or Wave | Episode | Links |
Clockwork Droid (gold) | 2024 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Dalek Sec | 2023 | Exclusive, 2-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | Army of Ghosts (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2022 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | The Tenth Doctor Adventures (Comic) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2022 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (2009) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2022 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (2009) | ||||
10th Doctor (Tuxedo) | 2017 | Exclusive, Boxed | Forbidden Planet | Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor TARDIS Console Room | 2017 | Exclusive, Boxed | Forbidden Planet | The Christmas Invasion (2015) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2017 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | The Sontaran Stratagem / Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Vashta Nerada | 2016 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
10th Doctor (brow suit & coat) | 2016 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
Cyberman (Cybus) | 2016 | Exclusive, Multi-Pack, Boxed | B&M Stores | Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2016 | General, Boxed, Multi-Pack | The 13 Doctors Collectors Set | The Shakespeare Code (2007) | ||||
TARDIS Console Copy | 2016 | Boxed, General | TARDIS Console (Mk 2) | - | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit) | 2015 | Clamshell, General | Diamond Classic Wave | - | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2015 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Diamond Classic Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
K-9 (rusty) | 2015 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Diamond Classic Wave | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2015 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Diamond Classic Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
K-9 (clean) | 2015 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Diamond Classic Wave | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Holographic 10th Doctor | 2015 | Clamshell, General | Diamond Classic Wave | Blink (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (blue suit, glasses, new head sculpt) | 2015 | Clamshell, General | Diamond Classic Wave | - | ||||
K-9 (rusty) | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Martha Jones | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Smith & Jones (2007) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | New Earth (2006) | ||||
Astrid Peth (no apron) | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, 3D glasses, new head sculpt) | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Cyberman (with gun arm) | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Dalek Sec (updated sculpt) | 2015 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Cyberman (with gun arm) | 2015 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | B&M Exclusive | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (blue suit, glasses, new head sculpt) | 2015 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | B&M Exclusive | - | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2015 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | B&M Exclusive | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Rose Tyler (New Earth) | 2015 | Exclusive, Blister Card | Toys R Us | New Earth (2006) | ||||
K-9 (clean) | 2015 | Exclusive, Blister Card | Toys R Us | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2015 | Exclusive, Blister Card | Toys R Us | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
K-9 (clean) | 2015 | Exclusive, Blister Card | Toys R Us | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Weeping Angel | 2015 | Exclusive, Blister Card | Toys R Us | Blink (2007) | ||||
Dalek Sec (updated sculpt) | 2015 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Underground Toys US | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit & glasses, Adipose) | 2015 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Underground Toys US | - | ||||
The Narrator (Rassilon) | 2014 | Exclusive, Boxed, Multi-Pack | B&M Exclusive | The End of Time (2009) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2013 | Exclusive, 2-Pack, Boxed | Wave 1, Toys R Us | Stolen Earth (2008) | ||||
Dalek, Stolen Earth | 2013 | Exclusive, 2-Pack, Boxed | Wave 1, Toys R Us | Stolen Earth (2008) | ||||
Holographic 10th Doctor | 2013 | Exclusive, Loose Baggy | BBC Shop Exclusive Baggy | Blink (2007) | ||||
The Narrator (Rassilon) | 2010 | Clamshell, General | The End of Time Wave | The End of Time (2009) | ||||
The Master | 2010 | Clamshell, General | The End of Time Wave | The End of Time (2009) | ||||
10th Doctor (injured) | 2010 | Clamshell, General | The End of Time Wave | The End of Time (2009) | ||||
11th Doctor (regenerated) | 2010 | Clamshell, General | The End of Time Wave | The End of Time (2009) | ||||
Sycorax Warrior | 2010 | Clamshell, General, Exclusive | B&M Exclusive Wave | The Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
Damaged Cyberman | 2010 | Clamshell, General, Exclusive | B&M Exclusive Wave | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Cyber Leader | 2010 | Clamshell, General, Exclusive | B&M Exclusive Wave | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Judoon Captain (light grey skin) | 2010 | Clamshell, General, Exclusive | B&M Exclusive Wave | Smith and Jones (2007) | ||||
Sontaran General Staal | 2010 | Clamshell, General, Exclusive | B&M Exclusive Wave | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
10th Doctor | 2010 | General, Boxed, Multi-Pack | The 11 Doctors Collectors Set | Sontaron Strategem (2008) | ||||
Graske | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | Attack of the Graske (2005) | ||||
Syrorax Leader | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
Toby Zed (possessed) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (new head, brown suit, 3D glasses) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
The Master (regenerated) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | Utopia (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (aged) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (ancient) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
Bannakaffalatta | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Judoon Captain (light grey skin) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Stolen Earth (2008) | ||||
Sontaran General Staal | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Baby Adipose (x25) | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive Set | Partners in Crime (2008) | ||||
Sontaran General Staal | 2010 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Toys r Us Exclusive | The Pandorica Opens (2010) | ||||
Astrid Peth (no apron) | 2009 | Clamshell, General | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Clockwork Man (purple) | 2009 | Clamshell, General | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
The Master (regenerated) | 2009 | Clamshell, General | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | Utopia (2008) | ||||
Captain Jack (in coat, with Doctor's hand) | 2009 | Clamshell, General | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | Utopia (2008) | ||||
Bannakaffalatta | 2009 | Clamshell, General | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (aged) | 2009 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (ancient) | 2009 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
Gelth Phantoms | 2009 | Collect and Build | Gelth Collect & Build Wave | The Unquiet Dead (2005) | ||||
Pyrovile Priestess | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Fires of Pompeii (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Davros | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Hath Peck | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Doctor's Daughter (2008) | ||||
Sontaran General Staal | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Natural Ood | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Ood Sigma | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Vashda Nerada Suit Creature | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
Professor River Song | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
Baby Adipose (x25) | 2009 | Clamshell, General | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | Partners in Crime (2008) | ||||
The Vespiform | 2009 | Collect and Build | The Vespiform Collect & Build Wave | The Unicorn & The Wasp (2008) | ||||
Cyber-Lord | 2009 | General, Clamshell | Age of Steel Wave | The Next Doctor (2008) | ||||
Sycorax Warrior | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | The Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
Cyber Controller | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, coat, ghost gear) | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | Army of Ghosts (2006) | ||||
The Hoix | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | Love and Monsters (2006) | ||||
Captain Jack (in shirt) | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | Utopia (2008) | ||||
Time Lord | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | Sound of Drums / Last of the Timelords (2007) | ||||
Hal Korwin | 2009 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Tesco Exclusive | 42 (2007) | ||||
Sycorax Warrior | 2008 | Blister Card, General | Series 1 and 2 Combo Wave | The Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, coat, ghost gear) | 2008 | Blister Card, General | Series 1 and 2 Combo Wave | Army of Ghosts (2006) | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2008 | Blister Card, General, 2-Pack | Series 1 and 2 Combo Wave | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
K-9 (clean) | 2008 | Blister Card, General, 2-Pack | Series 1 and 2 Combo Wave | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Novice Hame | 2008 | Blister Card, General | Series 1 and 2 Combo Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
Slitheen | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | Aliens of London / World War 3 (2005) | ||||
Sycorax Leader (no accessories) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Christmas Invasion (2005) | ||||
Toby Zed (possessed) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (in spacesuit, smashed helmet) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, coat, glasses, the Wire) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Idiots Lantern (2006) | ||||
Rose Tyler (ice extinguisher) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Destroyed Cassandra | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
The Ood (glow in the dark) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
Toby Zed (unpossessed) | 2008 | Blister Card, Exclusive | Woolworths Series 1 and 2 Tweaked Wave | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (blue suit) | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Voyage of the Damned Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Astrid Peth | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Voyage of the Damned Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Heavenly Host (1) | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Voyage of the Damned Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Heavenly Host (2) | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Voyage of the Damned Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Slitheen (with skin suit) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | Aliens of London / World War 3 (2005) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, coat, ghost gear) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | Army of Ghosts (2006) | ||||
Rose Tyler (ice extinguisher) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Chip | 2008 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
Destroyed Cassandra | 2008 | Clamshell, General, 2-Pack | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | New Earth (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (in spacesuit, with Obelisks) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
The Master (with Toclafane) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
Martha Jones (combat gear, with open Toclafane) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 1, 2 and 3 Combo Wave | The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, glasses, with Adipose) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | Partners in Crime (2008) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Ood Sigma | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Natural Ood | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Trooper | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Pyrovile Priestess | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1 | The Fires of Pompeii (2008) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Sontaran Stratagem Set | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Trooper | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Sontaran Stratagem Set | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Sontaran Stratagem Set | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Sontaran General Staal | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Sontaran Stratagem Set | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
10th Doctor (purple shirt) | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive, 2-Pack | SDCC 2008 Exclusive | Time Crash (2007) | ||||
5th Doctor | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive, 2-Pack | SDCC 2008 Exclusive | Time Crash (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (purple shirt) | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive, 2-Pack | UK 100 Exclusive | Time Crash (2007) | UK 100 Exclusive | |||
5th Doctor | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive, 2-Pack | UK 100 Exclusive | Time Crash (2007) | ||||
Pyrovile | 2008 | Boxed, General, 2-Pack | Fires of Pompeii Set | The Fires of Pompeii (2008) | ||||
Roman Soldier | 2008 | Boxed, General, 2-Pack | Fires of Pompeii Set | The Fires of Pompeii (2008) | ||||
Davros (radio controlled) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Radio Controlled | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek (radio controlled) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Radio Controlled | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Crucible Dalek | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Stolen Earth Set | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Davros | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Stolen Earth Set | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit) | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Stolen Earth Set | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | Stolen Earth Set | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Ood Sigma | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Natural Ood | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Trooper | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Judoon Captain (light grey skin) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.5 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Davros | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 1.6 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Damaged Dalek Thay | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive | M&S Exclusive | Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks (2007) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, glasses, with Adipose) | 2008 | Clamshell, Exclusive | M&S Exclusive | Partners in Crime (2008) | ||||
Astrid Peth | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Voyage of the Damned (2007) | ||||
Martha Jones | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Smith & Jones (2007) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | New Earth (2006) | ||||
Sarah Jane Smith | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
K-9 (clean) | 2008 | Boxed, General, Multi-pack | The Companions Set | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit, glasses, with Adipose) | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | Partners in Crime (2008) | ||||
Donna Noble | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Ood Sigma | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Natural Ood | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | Planet of the Ood (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Commander Skorr | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Trooper | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Davros | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Vashda Nerada Suit Creature | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
Hath Peck | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 2 | The Doctor's Daughter (2008) | ||||
Sontaran Trooper | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (2008) | ||||
Supreme Dalek | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Davros | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | The Stolen Earth / Journey's End (2008) | ||||
Vashda Nerada Suit Creature | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
Hath Peck | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | The Doctor's Daughter (2008) | ||||
Professor River Song | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (2008) | ||||
Time Lord | 2008 | Clamshell, General | Series 4 Wave 3 | Sound of Drums / Last of the Timelords (2007) | ||||
Cyberman (with Gun Arm) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Grey Krillitane (open mouth) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | School Reunion (2006) | ||||
Werewolf | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | Tooth and Claw (2006) | ||||
The Ood | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
Clockwork Man (Black) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Clockwork Man (Blue) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave A | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit) | 2007 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Sainsburys Exclusive | - | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2007 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Sainsburys Exclusive | New Earth (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit & coat) | 2007 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Sainsburys Exclusive | - | ||||
Cassandra | 2007 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Sainsburys Exclusive | New Earth (2006) | ||||
Rose Tyler | 2007 | Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack | Sainsburys Exclusive | New Earth (2006) | ||||
10th Doctor (brown suit & coat) | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | - | ||||
Dalek Sec | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Cyberman (with Gun Arm) | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Doomsday Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Empress of the Racnoss | 2007 | Boxed, General | Deluxe | The Runaway Bride (2006) | ||||
Dalek Sec | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Genesis Ark & Daleks Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Bronze Dalek (1) | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Genesis Ark & Daleks Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Bronze Dalek (2) | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Genesis Ark & Daleks Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Bronze Dalek (3) | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Genesis Ark & Daleks Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
Genesis Ark | 2007 | Boxed, Multi-pack | Genesis Ark & Daleks Set | Army of Ghosts / Doomsday (2006) | ||||
The Ood | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave B | The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit (2006) | ||||
Clockwork Man (Black) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave B | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Clockwork Man (Blue) | 2007 | Blister Card, General | Series 2 Wave B | The Girl in the Fireplace (2006) | ||||
Doctor Who 5.5-inch action figures from Character Toys Database: interactive checklist of releases with links to reviews and visual guides
Character Options picked up the Master Toy Licence for Doctor Who when the show returned to screens in 2005. Their first products hit in 2006 with a line of Remote Control Sets containing 5-inch scale figures and Daleks. Soon after, single-carded figures would follow all taken exclusively from the first two series of Doctor Who.
After 2 years of releases for New Who, the Character Team moved to the Classic Era with a first wave of Classic figures hitting in 2208 complete with a build-a-figure inclusion. The line, including both New and Classic releases, would continue through to 2010 with a mix of general releases and exclusive sets sold via Forbidden Planet and through Underground Toys in the US who often commissioned their own sets and figures. The line often used multi-packs including deluxe larger figures and various versions of the Doctor's TARDIS.
As the line slowed down in 2012, Character sought to reinvent it by retiring the 5-inch line and launching a 3.75-inch scale featuring the 11th Doctor this line would prove to be a flop and ran for just 4 waves along with a handful of playsets and boxed releases.
In 2014 the UK retailer B&M commissioned some Doctor Who figures to be re-released in their stores in a 3-figure box set format. For the first 2 years these were repacks of existing figures. At the same time, a number of new figures were released in partnership with Underground Toys, Forbidden Planet, and Toys R Us. Some of these were repacked in a window box format, while others were repacked on a slimline blister card. In 2016 B&M started commissioning variant (new) figures in their sets and over the years this has now grown to include new Doctor and TARDIS sets as well as some Dalek Sets, including some based on Big Finish audio.
As we welcome the 13th Doctor, Character have released a number of general figures from the 13th Doctor era as well as continuing to support the B&M packs.
#DoctorWho #DrWho #ActionFigures #SonicScrewdriver #Character #Toys