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Green Arrow, Connor Hawke


DC Multiverse

Year of Release


Type of Release

Boxed, Exclusive

Series or Wave

Gold Label

Source Material

DC Multivere; Green Lantern

Green Arrow, Connor Hawke
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Green Arrow, Connor Hawke
Green Arrow, Connor Hawke

Connor Hawke was the son of Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), although his father did not know of his existence until the two met in the Ashram Monastery during a dark time in Queen’s life. Connor showed a natural aptitude for archery and martial arts, and Queen took him under his wing. When he eventually discovered the truth about their connection, Queen was mistrustful of the young man— and before they could repair their relationship, Queen was killed in an explosion. Connor took up his father’s mantle as Green Arrow and even joined the Justice League in his stead. After Oliver Queen returned from the dead, Connor was able to bond with him as a son, but their relationship remained fragile.

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