King Tut
DC Retro
Año de lanzamiento
Tipo de lanzamiento
Carded, Exclusive
Serie u ola
Material de origen
Batman (1966)
William Omaha McElroy, highly respected professor of Egyptology at Yale University, was struck in the head by a rock during a violent student protest. When he awoke, McElroy believed himself to be the legendary King Tutankhamun reincarnated, and Gotham City the ancient city of Thebes. From that moment, King Tut sought his rightful throne and city at any cost. Therefore, the Caped Crusaders, and any whom oppose him, are treacherous rebels.
Based on the classic 1960’s TV show
Designed with articulation for posing and play
King Tut's accessories include a hocked cane and red crop
Packaged in a card backed blister with the iconic old school look of the 1960’s Batman series
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