Year of Release
Type of Release
Boxed, Exclusive, 2-Pack
Series or Wave
Gold Label, Amazon
Source Material

She-Spawn After finding a resurrection spell, Jessica Priest places an amulet on Nyx’s body and chants the spell. Whether Nyx, who is not seen again once the magic starts to happen, survives or not is not known at this point, but what is known is that Jessica Priest has taken on a role that Nyx used to have – the role of She-Spawn. Cygor Michael Konieczni was Al Simmons’ friend and squad mate. When he discovered the truth about Al’s murder, he attempted to blow the whistle on Jason Wynn. However, he was stopped and subjected to project Sim, the Simian experiments of Frederick Willheim and became the beast known as Cy-Gor, short for Cybernetic Gorilla.