Shining Knight 'Platinum'
DC Multiverse
Year of Release
Type of Release
Boxed, Chase
Series or Wave
Platinum Edition
Source Material
DC Multiverse, Seven Soldiers of Victory

The gender-fluid, immortal knight Ystin has also been known as Ystina, Sir Justin, and the Shining Knight, and was present at Merlin’s rebirth in Avalon as Adam One. As one of the Demon Knights—ancestors of Stormwatch—Ystina battled alien and demonic threats. Ystina was granted immortality after a sip from the Holy Grail during the fall of Camelot, but was cursed with an unquenchable desire to drink from the Grail again. Ystin rode the winged horse Vanguard, fighting alongside such Demon Knights as Madame Xanadu and Jason Blood. He also wielded the sword known as Caliburn or Excalibur, marking him a champion of Camelot. Ystina fought with the Demon Knights against the vampire Cain and was bitten, fulfilling his vision of one day becoming undead.