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The Engineer Chair Suit, Hologram

La franchise


Année de sortie


Type de libération

General Clamshell

Série ou Vague

Series 3

Matériel d'origine


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The Engineer Chair Suit, Hologram
The Engineer Chair Suit, Hologram

Series 3 brings brand new versions of the Chair Suit and Pressure Suit Engineers in holographic form. Using a combination of translucent blue plastic and hand painted decoration to achieve the look of “white noise” used to create holographic versions of the Engineers.

The Engineers were seen in this form when the crew of the Prometheus discovers archival footage of what lifeforms were active on LV-223. Each figure stands over 8″ tall and features over 20 points of articulation.

Also both Engineers include a brand new Ampule accessory which can be opened to reveal the mysterious contents inside.

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