Baby Raphael
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Year of Release
Type of Release
Boxed, Exclusive, Multi-pack
Series or Wave
NECA Store 'Accessory Set'
Source Material
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon (1987 - 1996)

Level up your cartoon collection with this bodacious bundle! This sweet accessory set is sized to match NECA’s action figures from the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. It includes all sorts of goodies from your favorite episodes, like the Baby Turtles, their friend Big Macc the robot, and much, much more. It even includes the Turtles’ TV, VCR and game console! Deep cuts and Easter Eggs galore!
Complete contents:
Baby Turtles & baby weapons
Big Macc
Game Console
VHS tapes
Tracking device
Personality-modifying ray gun
Baby pizza monster
Fancy cheese painting
Turtle backpack
Pizza box
Rocksteady helmet
Star of Hoboken
Alternate Baxter Stockman head