Clan Leader Predator
Year of Release
Type of Release
General, Boxed
Series or Wave
Source Material
Kenner Inspired

Our newest Predator Deluxe Action Figure is an homage to a figure that was also a deluxe release in the classic Kenner Expanded Universe line: Clan Leader! Taking inspiration from the 1990s designs, our team has applied modern sculpting, detail and articulation to bring this vintage Predator into the new millennium, resulting in our most complex Predator figure yet. And at 8.5” tall, he’s also the biggest figure in the 7” scale Predator line to date – bigger even than the previous Bad Blood Deluxe Action Figure. Clan Leader has over 30 points of articulation and comes with spectacular bendable tentacles that can attach to his shoulders or his wrists, plus a removable helmet and a unique staff. The Deluxe window box packaging with opening flap is a nod to the classic line as well, featuring a design that pays tribute to the original packaging.