The late Summer 2023 Doctor Who offerings at B&M Stores in the UK have been revealed by Character Options. Arriving in early September 2023 are three new sets, all now packed in the BBC's updated packaging decor with the 60th Anniversary logo. This new packaging also appears to have a differing accent colour by Doctor with blue for the Fifth Doctor era, and yellow for the Sixth Doctor.
The History of the Daleks sets will continue their run with number 13 reaching the fifth Doctor era - but rather than Resurrection, the set will be based on The Five Doctors and will see the lone Dalek drone from the Death Zone on Gallifrey along with a Richard Hurndull First Doctor - a sculpt that Character have done but not released a decade or so ago. This new 2023 version does resurrect that figure but uses new digital sculpts as the original cast had been lost. The set will cost £24.99.
History of the Dalek Set 14 moves us into the Sixth Doctor era and is another army-building set with two of the Necros Dalek Drones from Revelation of the Daleks. Again, this one carries a £24.99 price tag.
This does mean that the Fifth Doctor Story Resurrection of the Daleks is not being released at this stage, leaving a gap in the run of History of the Dalek sets which have covered every major Dalek story up to this point. Character's Al Dewar has clarified this decision on social media indicating that the Resurrection Daleks didn't offer anything new to the line and there was no option to do a new set with the resurrection Supreme Dalek and/or Davros at this time, but it may be something they do return to if the line continues.
The final release of this round is a new Doctor and TARDIS set. This time round we have a new SIxth Doctor with his costume inspired by the 1989 Ultimate Adventure stage play after Colin Baker took over the role of the Doctor from Jon Pertwee. The Sixth Doctor comes with a battered variant of the TARDIS. This release has no lights and sounds and carries a £34.99 price tag.
These new 2023 offerings will be added to our extensive Doctor Who Collectors Database within the next 48hrs.
The History of the Daleks #13 - The Five Doctors (08015)
From the 1983 episode, The Five Doctors, this set includes a detailed figure of the (Richard
Hurndall) First Doctor together with the Gallifrey Death Zone Dalek. Setting the scene, the Fifth Doctor is found relaxing with his companions at the Eye of Orion but starts to fade from reality as his former incarnations are pulled from their Time streams. The Fourth Doctor is trapped and the First, Second and Third Doctors are drawn to the Death Zone. The storyline sees them
face some of their deadliest foes, including a lone Dalek. Behind the scenes, the original Dalek prop received some significant visual modifications including large grey disc-style dome lights. Further modifications include a ‘lifted’ neck bin and a new grey and black paint scheme.
The History of the Daleks #14 – Revelation of the Daleks (08016)
From the 1985 episode of the Revelation of the Daleks, this set includes 2 Necros Daleks. In this adventure, the Sixth Doctor and his companion Peri arrive on the bleak planet of Necros to attend the funeral of old friend Arthur Stengos but find Davros lurking in the catacombs below. He is in the process of creating a new Dalek by harvesting tissue cells from the dead. His extortionate demands on the leader of the Tranquil repose facility led to the need to assassinate him. Behind the scenes, four new props were required and departed from their original design. These off-white and gold Daleks have steeper skirts, ‘lifted’ neck bins, a new chunkier style shoulder section, dome lights and a different eyestalk.
The Sixth Doctor and TARDIS (08017) This exclusive anniversary year release of the Sixth Doctor with his TARDIS comes exactly a decade and half since this figure’s first release in 2008. The Sixth Doctor was one of the most verbose, and articulate of The Doctors incarnations, and could be both melodramatic and stubborn. But despite these tendencies, under his thunderous and turbulent exterior, he was passionate, warm and empathetic.
Al Dewar Creative Director says ‘These were interesting sets to work on. Regarding the Dalek sets we’re hopping around a little this year, but it meant we could be creative and add the ‘Five Doctors’ into the History Of The Daleks Sets. As fans know this story featured one lone Dalek so it was a perfect opportunity to bring back a head sculpt created over a decade ago of the late great Richard Hurndall who played a version of the first Doctor in this story. Or ... it would have done had the sculpt not been scrapped. So, not to be outdone we resurrected it in digital form, and I think it’s fair to say it’s better than the original.
‘Both the Daleks for this Set and the second ‘Revelation of the daleks’ set have been given a makeover with a mix of new parts to update the look to better match the screen used props including a lifted neck bin making them a teeny bit taller, new eyestalk, new dome lights and an updated chunkier front shoulder section on the Necros boys!
‘The final Set is The Sixth doctor and TARDIS set featuring a very different version of The Sixth Doctors costume based on one used in a Stage Play of the time. It’s a lovely figure which coupled with a delightfully shabby TARDIS which perfectly reflects the state of the prop at the time, creates a nice standout set.
‘It’s also worth mentioning fans and collectors will notice a distinct change to the packaging for
these 2023 sets giving the whole range a nice facelift.’
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About Me : As a child of the '70s and '80s I grew up in a golden age for action figures and in my youth bought and sold myself through collections of Star Wars, G.I. Joe (Action Force), and M.A.S.K. while also dabbling in He-Man, Transformers and Ghostbusters. Roll forward and I am now reliving that Youth with the action figures of today and am a collector and fan of the larger 6-8 inch figures from my favourite movie and TV licenses - including the ones mentioned above, but also the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Who, and the Aliens. I launched The Mephitsu Archives in 2015 with a view of creating a UK-focused site or these figures where fans can pick up the latest action figure news, read reviews and get information on where to buy their figures and what is currently on store shelves. I hope I am delivering that to you guys...