Not sure how I missed this one, but it seems McFarlane have confirmed that the next Harry Potter creature will be this fantastic looking Hungarian Horntail. The Horntail was featured in The Goblet of Fire.
The Dragon will be 23cm long, and like Buckbeak is not in scale with the McFarlane Harry Potter figures, but rather a different scaled line - very much like how McFarlane have released the Game of Thrones figures and Dragons.
As images of the Horntail are released, we also have some nice looking pictures of the first Harry Potter creature, Buckbeak.
Buckbeak will arrive in stores in October. We also know that Harry, Ron and He Who Shall Not be Named are starting to show up in stores in the US. It is not clear at this time why Hermione has been delayed? You can see the packaging design in the final image courtesy of eBay.