Review : Blue Warrior NECA, Aliens Wave/Series : Series 11 Released : July 2017
Pros : visually impressive - good paint apps (not just a blue plastic), high nostalgia factor
Cons : mishmash wave overall, limited appeal
Series 11 of NECA's Aliens series is a real mishmash of figures taken from three different sources of the Alien Universe. Lambert is taken from her appearance in the original 1979 movie. While the Defiance Xenomorph is from the pages of the Dark Horse comics.
The third figure in Series 11 is from the Kenner world of Aliens, based entirely on the toy and cartoon range from 1992-1995. The Blue Warrior is an homage to a figure in the original line where the basic Alien Warrior was released as a translucent blue figure exclusive to Kaybee toys in the US.

The Blue Warrior arrives in the same Kenner inspired blister as the 2016 Kenner Ripley and the similarly themed Kenner inspired Predators. A thin paper insert is sandwiched between the clamshell to provide the backing to the figure which is a purple backdrop with a Xenomorph illustration and green alien doorway/panel to enhance the figure in the packaging. The header of the pack uses the 1986 electric blue Aliens logo.
A further insert at the front of the blister also uses the sickly green, almost yellow, colouring and it is here the character is named as "Warrior Alien" with the sub-title "Vicious Alien Attacker". An illustration of the Alien sits at the side of this, and under the image is a cleverly reworked NECA logo that uses the font and colouring of the Kenner logo.

Round the back is the same Kenner card back as seen on all the Kenner inspired Predator and Alien figures to date. It is a 90's themed grid pattern with inserts over the top showing the various Alien and Predator Kenner figures to date. A final box also strays into other releases with images of the Blade Fighter, Alien Queen and Power Loader.
As with most of NECA's Alien releases in 2017, the paper insert is very thin and suffers from warping and creasing even before you've gone anywhere near opening the pack.

The Alien itself uses the Big Chap 1979 sculpt, but recast in an almost translucent blue plastic. On top of this are some layers of lighter blue to define the exoskeleton and features of the figure. Further paint apps are applied to the teeth and claws.
The articulation is based on the translucent version of the Big Chap from Series 7, this means the figure has the upgraded hip articulation. The other key points are an articulated neck and opening jaw. Ball jointed shoulders, jointed arms and rotating wrists. There is also a torso joint and the knees are double jointed. The tail, like all Xenomorph releases, is a rubber material on top of a metal armature - this allows the tail to be posed and hold its shape in most positions.
This is a release that will appeal to the nostalgic feel of the Kenner range and he will look brilliant against the other Kenner Xeno's from Series 10 and the human figures like Vasquez and Ripley. He will also look good with the Sewer Mutation and the Green Alien.
For me this is a niche release and a waste of a slot. While I don't mind the Kenner principle, they aren't my cup of tea and I would prefer to see them as exclusives. For those of us who buy waves as a whole to save costs - the mixing of mediums is a little frustrating and I hope NECA avoid this scenario going forward.
I score the Blue Warrior Xenomorph a 3 out of 5
