“The Supreme Dalek is your ruler. He must be obeyed at all times.”
The B&M Exclusive History of the Dalek sets have been working through the various Doctor Who Dalek stories in more or less transmission order since 2020. When they reached the 5th Doctor era in 2023 a decision was made to skip the 1984 story Resurrection of the Daleks and only to release a Five Doctor’s set featuring Richard Hurndull’s 1st Doctor and the Death Zone Dalek. This decision was compounded by the additional choice made not to leave a numbered gap for any future Resurrection Set - creating a discrepancy in what had been to this point a very consistent collection of Dalek 2-Pack releases.
In 2024 that oversight was corrected with the October 2024 B&M Exclusive release of a History of the Daleks Set from Resurrection of the Daleks. This new set uses the same updated packaging established in 2023 with a white backdrop, use of the current retro Doctor Who diamond logo, and similar diamond cut-out text boxes confirming the size and content. The exclusivity is referenced by a circular gold foil sticker stating limited edition. As well as an image of the TARDIS further colour is added in what is now a dedicated accent colour per Doctor and the 5th Doctor era is using a pale blue colour which was also in place for the Five Doctors release. In terms of the numbering, and with no gap left between Destiny of the Daleks and The Five Doctors this set is now marked as #18 following on sequentially from the slightly oddly dual numbered #16 & #17 New Series set from 2023.
Around the rear of the box, we get the now standard extensive write-up of the Ressurection of the Daleks story - covering the plot in its entirety as well as its conclusion rather than teasing those to watch the serial. There is no reference to the props used during filming as has been referenced on the back of most of the earlier ‘History’ releases.
While not specified on the box or in the promotional blurb, there are two variants of the set with a minor difference in the included Drone to look out for. One Drone has grey mesh behind the slats while the other has silver - replicating two different Dalek props used in the story.
While these sets are badged as Collector Sets, the packaging is no longer collector friendly with the Daleks in their outer blister glued onto the blue vortex backing card. So while the outer box can be opened without any relative damage other than cutting the tape, the Daleks can only be freed by breaking the glue and effectively destroying the backing card - making the setup more like a blister card than a collector box.
The Resurrection Supreme Dalek has only been released once before, back in 2011 as part of a four-pack also including the Resurrection Drone, Davros, and the 5th Doctor. This 2024 version uses the same Classic Dalek base as this 2011 release but it upgrades several elements. The base is now the twin-stepped base, the shoulder slats are the wider profile, and an additional ring has been added just above the shoulder slats to increase the overall height.
vs 2011 Dalek Supreme (right)
Colourwise the Dalek is cast almost entirely in black and the majority of this is a high gloss finish, as are the contrasting white hemispheres - both of which carry more of a sheen than the original 2011 figure which only uses a semi-gloss finish. The gun arm now features a painted red emitter at the end, while the rest of the gun and the sucker arm are a duller black. The eye stalk is cast in black but with a white-painted central stem and iris.
As mentioned, you can get two variants of the grey Drone. Both versions again use the basic Classic Dalek shell but like the Supreme now have updated twin stepped base, updated central mesh, and an increase in height by adding the rim under the neck.
The Drones are cast in a grey finish, with black painted base, hemispheres, shoulder slats, and weaponry. There is also a darker grey behind the neck rings and a central circle of black is included between the gun and the sucker arm. The eye stalk is exactly like the Supreme and cast in black with white painted central shaft and rings as well as a white iris.
The first variant of the Drone features unpainted mesh behind the shoulder slats, the second variant has these elements painted in silver. Both Dalek Drone’s are finished with some marginal weathering around the skirt with drybrushing of silver paint adding wear and tear. The Drone’s also feature the same red painted emiter to their weapon arm.
vs 2011 Dalek Drone (right)
The Resurrection Drones have been released twice previously, the first in 2011 (shown in images) alongside the original release of the Supreme in the Resurrection 4-Pack. This earliest release used the same Classic Dalek mold but with the single ledge fender, the slimmer shoulder slats and without the added height at the neck. It also used a blue/grey colour scheme differentiating it at the time from the Genesis Dalek which used the same base and configuration apart from the eye stalk and dome lights. This 2011 release is comparable to the silver slat variant in the 2024 set.
The other Resurrection Drone release was in 2013 (not shown) and was part of the Toys R Us series of Doctor vs Dalek 2-Packs. The 2014 Drone used the same base as the 2011 version but with a darker grey finish more in keeping with the Genesis Dalek colouring. This one also used painted silver mesh behind the slats.
All of the Daleks feature a rotating dome, as well as an eye stalk that can be raised or lowered within its socket. The gun and sucker arm are ball joints with a wider field of motion and the entire Dalek sits on three wheels which can allow it to be pushed around and also gives it the impression of hovering over the surface on which it sits.
At the still-held price of £21.99 for 2024, this History of the Dalek pack continues to reflect good value for money of circa £11 per Dalek. It also opens up older - and very scarce - Daleks to new collectors while retaining sufficient differences to the original releases so they do not devalue massively. For Resurrection, the physical and decorative changes do improve both the Supreme and the Drone from their original releases in 2011 and the Drone’s revisit in 2013.
Accuracy of colour scheme for Dalek’s can be subjective and can differ when looking at the actual prop vs what is on screen where lighting becomes a big factor. This 2024 set brings us probably the closest match to the Resurrection Daleks - replicating specifically the two Drones sent to assist Davros including the variation in mesh colouring which has been built into an on-shelf variant set. While the numbering will frustrate boxed collectors, this set does feel like the Classic Doctor Who Dalek stories are now concluded in Dalek action figure form.
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About Me : As a child of the 70's and 80's I grew up in a golden age for action figures and in my youth bought and sold myself through collections of Star Wars, G.I. Joe (Action Force) and M.A.S.K. while also dabbling in He-Man, Transformers and Ghostbusters. Roll forward and I am now reliving that Youth with the action figures of today and am a collector and fan of the larger 6-8 inch figures from my favourite movie and TV licences - including the ones mentioned above, but also the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Who and the Aliens. I launched The Mephitsu Archives in 2015 with a view of creating a UK focused site or these figures where fans can pick up the latest action figure news, read reviews and get information on where to buy their figures and what is currently on store shelves. I hope I am delivering that to you guys...