America Chavez will make her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as part of the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. She has been included as part of the launch wave of Multiverse of Madness figures alongside the likes of Wong, Mordo, and Doctor Strange and arrived on store shelves in March 2022.
The Multiverse of Madness figures within the wider wave utilise the movie logo at the base of the window and the usual red nameplate. A multicolour, almost rainbow, colour scheme is used as part of the card back and as a background image on the side and rear artwork - inset also with the mystical symbols as seen in the window of the Sanctum Santorum.
On the rear of the box alongside the artwork and the build-a-figure checklist is a short piece of text giving us our first clues as to America Chavez, her powers, and her role in the movie.
"America Chavez is a young girl from another universe, being hunted for her power - the unique ability to open doorways into the Multiverse."
At the time of writing, we do not have a huge amount to go on for America Chavez and her outfit but the figure is essentially a teenage girl base body with black skinny jeans, a blue denim jacket and a pair of black high-top trainers. The proportions on Chavez are good, capturing her smaller stature and putting her half a head or so smaller than a standard figure like Wong or Doctor Strange.
While the trainers and the socks are well painted, the beauty of the outfit is all in the jacket which is given a blue denim base colour and with aspects of stars and stripes added to the shoulders and around the back with a large star logo. We have further stars down the arms and smaller ones around the buttons of the coat as well as some even smaller details like the words
"Amor Es Amor, a skull logo and the LGBTQ rainbow flag.
The head sculpt is a passing likeness to actor Xochitl Gomez, but seems to lack something in terms of realism as though the photo-real decor application was not used and the eyes and mouth have returned to the older factory painted technique. Perhaps as we become familiar with Gomez in the movie, the likeness will grow on me? I do accept that younger faces are harder to achieve in figure form with no features to define as you may find in the lines and shape of an older actor.
With no context at present on how her powers manifest, the only added accessories for America Chavez are the second pair of hands. These allow some level of alternative poses and looks as you choose between clenched fists and open gesturing hands. These are simple to swap in and out but are on a smaller peg so are a little more fragile than usual.
Chavez gets a 16 points of articulation count across a fully pinless body. We have double joints in the knees that allow her to kneel and sit, while the arms are more restricted with a single rotating elbow. That being said, there is sufficient movement for gesturing, or for generic poses including hands on hips.
The joints are all tight and Chavez is easy enough to pose with Hasbro seemingly slightly exaggerating the feet to provide a sturdy base considering her slim frame.
It is difficult to assess a figure of a character we are yet to see on screen as fans want to know if the figure can replicate the sort of things we see on screen? For now, I can say that America Chavez does a good job of replicating the fleeting glances we have had of her in the trailers, and does a particularly fantastic job on the decor of her jacket. She is articulated well enough and the only question mark is probably over the face sculpt and if any powered effects could and should have been included. Hasbro have never been shy about more generic 'real world' outfits in the Legends line - look at figures like Morbius and the 1980s Fury - and I look forward to now seeing how and where she fits alongside the more fantastical figures of Doctor Strange, Wong and Mordo.
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About Me : As a child of the 70's and 80's I grew up in a golden age for action figures and in my youth bought and sold myself through collections of Star Wars, G.I. Joe (Action Force) and M.A.S.K. while also dabbling in He-Man, Transformers and Ghostbusters. Roll forward and I am now reliving that Youth with the action figures of today and am a collector and fan of the larger 6-8 inch figures from my favourite movie and TV licences - including the ones mentioned above, but also the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Who and the Aliens. I launched The Mephitsu Archives in 2015 with a view of creating a UK focused site or these figures where fans can pick up the latest action figure news, read reviews and get information on where to buy their figures and what is currently on store shelves. I hope I am delivering that to you guys...