Hasbro released one full wave of Marvel Legends for the Captain Marvel movie, putting five MCU figures into the wave - Yon-Rogg, Nick Fury, Talos and two Captain Marvel figures. The other figures in the wave were comic book based - Grey Gargoyle and Genis-Vell - as was the Build a Figure, a 6 part Kree Sentry.
Packaging 4/5
The Captain Marvel packaging followed the usual design for Marvel Legends with a gold colour scheme used for the backing card and the figure label. The side images were quite dak with a body shot of Captain Marvel that then faded out to almost blackness.
The rear of the box carried a wider shot of this same image, with Captain Marvel standing with the Earth behind her. To the side of this was the very brief background text, and beneath it a checklist of the BAF for the wave.
"Accompanied by her furry sidekick, Goose, Captain Marvel suits up to defend the universe from intergalactic threats"

Paint & Sculpt 4/5
This version of Captain Marvel comes with a single head sculpt of a smirking Carol Danvers with her head swept out, almost blown, to one side. The figure uses face print technology giving particular detail and realism to the eyes and mouth as well as shading around the eyes and nose. The hair is cast in a light brown with a darker colour washed over the top - it is a separate piece to the head but thankfully there are no obvious gaps or seams. The question on the hair is one of personal taste in terms of whether you want your figures sculpted in a certain pose or with a certain look - in this case windswept - or whether a more neutral sculpt would have been preferred?
The outfit is the same as the 2nd Captain Marvel in the line apart from the arms and the jacket which is an individual rubbery plastic piece sat over the origina torso. The sut is clean and well painted with good separation between red and blue and the gold being bright and neat where it lines certain segments.
The jacket has had some attempt at weathering to create a worn look, but it may have benefitted from more darker washing. The rear of the jacket carries a decal of an airforce logo of a winged star within a circle and a plane underneath. The decal is not overly crisp and the detail does get a little lost although that is in in keeping with the worn look of the jacket.

Accessories 3/5
WHile not an accessory as such, the figure comes with a static Goose the Cat. Goose is posed in a playing pose, sat on his haunches with one paw out as though playing with a ball or a toy. The cat is well proportioned with a basic colour scheme of ginger fading into white and very dark black ringed eyes.

Goose comes strapped to Carol's hands out of the box, and is held in place with clear bands. Do not worry about removing these as the pose is very easy to replicate without the bands. Goose has actually been designed to fit into the pose and Carol has been given specific hands to hold Goose in that position.
That in itself is a small issue with the set, as without the cat the hands look a bit odd in certain poses. I would have liked an alternative set of fists to give me another option for display.

Articulation 4/5
Carol has a total of 16 points of articulation, less than standard but consistent for a female figure where the double jointed elbows are seldom utilised.
Head : ball joint neck with pivot
Body : torso ball joint
Arms : ball joint shoulder, single joint rotating elbow, wrist pivot
Legs : ball joint hips, thigh swivel, double joint knees, ankle rockers
Posing is pretty extensive, with Carol able to kneel and sit as well as hold some action stances - although as above the hand shape does make some of these look odd.
All the joints are tight and Captain Marvel stands perfectly well, even when holding Goose and adding some extra weight to the front face of the figure.

This figure is a pretty good secondary option to the standard Captain Marvel or the Green Kree Starforce version. I do like the look with the jacket and the execution of the jacket over the existing body sculpt is good.
Goose is an obvious accessory and the thought process around Carol holding the cat is clear so that both fit together and pose really well. The only issue with this is the hands when not posing with Goose and a secondary pair would have welcomed.

I score the Captain Marvel in Jacket (with Goose) a 4 out of 5.

Figure Hacks
There are now four releases of Captain Marvel from her debut film in 2019, and a number of heads available including the windswept look, normal look, masked look and binary forms.
Because each figure uses the same body, all the heads are interchangeable with each other allowing you to mix and match your Carol Danvers to find the look that suits you. You can also use the binary form effects on any of your Captain Marvel's for a powered look.

action figures, reviews, review, articulation, Marvel Legends, Captain Marvel, Hasbro, Carol Danvers, Goose