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Review : Marvel Legends Domino, Deadpool 2

Writer: MephitsuMephitsu

In 2020, Hasbro announced and released figures from the Fox X-Men movies for the first time. This included the original X-Men movies, but also a set of figures from Deadpool 2. The Deadpool 2 figures were boxed in a red themed box and included a two pack of Deadpool and Negasonic Teenage Warhead and single figures of Cable and Domino. It is Domino who we will review here.


Packaging 4.0

The X-Men movie figures step away from the usual Legends packaging, and are presented in a squared off box along the same lines of those used on the First Ten Years of MCU and the Marvel 80th Anniversary Sets. While the X-Men figures have a sleek steel and yellow design, the Deadpool figures are suitably presented in a red themed box.

The Marvel legends logo sits in the top left corner witht he figure in a shaped window underneath against a steel grey backdrop that provides a good contrast. To the bottom left of the window is a circle inset that looks to carry the X-Men logo - it has however been covered up, in typical Deadpool style, with a oversticker of the Deadpool logo. Similar "adjustments" have then been made over the character name - crossing out Neena Thurman on the white name plate and then with Domino scribbled underneath. Even the age warning is updated to 14+.

The two side panels are identifical, and use a silouette image of Domino with her eye picked out in white. The Marvel Legends logo sits at the bae of the side panel. The same image is used on the back of the box alongwith another name plate - Deadpool adjusted of course. There is no use of background info or movie posters that we have seen on other releaes. While the Domino image is impressive and very visual, it is repeated on three sides where other details or art could have been used instead.

Domino is accessed via the top or bottom flap of the box. The inner tray slides out, as does the backing card. As we open up the figure we find the grey cardback actually carries a black line X-Men logo.


Paint & Sculpt 4.5

Hasbro have been knocking it out of the park for some time now on most of their MCU and Realistic Movie figures, particular the female characters, and Domino is a continuation on that with two head sculpts that present a brilliant likeness to actor Zazie Beetz. The two heads are very similar, althogh one is presented with her glasses tucked just under her hairline and the figure presents a slight smirk. The other head is missing the glasses and has a more serious expression to the mouth. The facial features are printed using the photoreal system and includes realistic shading, eyes and the white panel around her left eye. The hair too is really well done, matching the volume and height of the onscreen hair.

The outfit worn by Domino is a simple grey-blue jumpsuit with brown trim around the vest top and down the legs. The central chest section of the vest should really be sheer, it has been painted in the right colour but left solid in colour.

Domino is wearing arm wraps and gloves up to her upper arm and knee high boots with a ribbed design down the front. a belt section has been added as a seperate piece and this is painted with a silver buckle and strap and it has a holster to the right hand side that sits against Domino's thigh. Everything on the figure is well painted and the overall look of the costume is a good match tot he onscreen costume incluing the neck tie piece.


Accessories 4.0

Domino comes with two pairs of hands. There are a pair of fists that come with the figure as it arrives, and a second pair of gripping hands that are required to wield her weaponry.

This weaponry starts with a stubby pistol that is cast in black plastic with some base details around the grip and the shaft of the pistol. We dont get any additional paint apps to help bring out that detail. The gun fits in either hand, with both left and right coming with a trigger finger configuaration. The fit is tight and secure and when not in use the weapon slips ino the holster on the right thigh - also a nice secure fit.

Domino's main weapons are the pair of sub-machine guns also included in the set. These are again cast in black but have been given a silver clouring across the body of the gun and on the front blade attachment - which is all screen accurate.

With both left and right grip hands featuring a trigger finger, the guns slot into either hand with the trigger finger sliding into place and the grip being tight and secure.


Articulation 4.5

Domino has a total articulation count of 16, which might appear low - but is pretty much all that is required. The joints use the new pinless options so not only does she pose really well the joints do not overly spoil the aesthetics of the figure.

Head : ball joint neck

Body : torso ball joint

Arms : ball joint shoulder, single rotating elbow joint, wrist pivot

Legs : ball joint hips, thigh swivel, double joint knee, ankle rocker

The upper arms, while only a single elbow joint, bend to and beyond 90 degrees and can achieve most positions for fighting or weapons stances that you could ever require.

Legs too are fully mobile, including kneeling and crouching poses as well as more dynamic looks with the use of a stand. The hip holster moves with the legs and doesnt create any kind of obstruction.

All of Domino's joints are tight and secure and even with the heeled boots she stands perfectly well on her own in a variety of poses.



It is firstly great to see any Fox movie figures in the Marvel Legends line considering the recent history, and particularly from an movie like Deadpool 2. Domino herself is a very well executed figure in terms of sculpt, paint jon and articulation and is supplied with two very good head options and some appropriate weaponry.

There is very little to fault on the figure, with my main gripe being with the packaging that tries too hard to be visual with the silouette images which are repeated across three sides when space could have been dedicated to the movie poster, movie synopsis or character background as we saw with the MCU figures from The First Ten Years and 80th Anniversary.

With all aspects considered, Domino scores very highly with an overall score of 4.5


action figures, reviews, review, articulation, marvel legends, hasbro, x-men, fox, deadpool, domino, x-force


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