The MCU Mysterio lands into the Marvel Legends line in the Spider-Man Far from Home wave of figures alongside two other MCU figures - Spider-Man and Spider-Man Stealth Suit. The rest of the wave is made up of comic book Spider-Man characters, while the BAF is an MCU figure in the guise of Molten Man.
Packaging 4/5
Mysterio's packaging remains reasonably consistent with the previous MCU Spider-Man wave from Homecoming. The name band remains red, although text has changed from white to black. The card back is sky blue, a little lighter this time round with a glowing white Spider Logo in the centre that fades out to the blue which itself is reflective of the texture of Spider-Man's suit. The side art also carries a blue theme with a shot of Mysterio emerging from a blue haze.
"The Master Illusionist Mysterio battles his foe Spider-Man using his wits and the technology embedded in his suit"

Paint & Sculpt 4/5
Mysterio has no head sculpt as such, there is no Jake Gyllenhaal head under that dome. The dome however is well executed with a slight translucency to it and a star field effect in the plastic. It looks fantastic when lit.
The lack of Gyllenhaal head is a bit of a disappointment, particularly when there are other figures from the Spider-Man movies coming with alternative heads like MJ. We may get a Jake Gyllenhaal head in the future (although that never happened for Vulture) so far now this feels like a bit of a miss.
The body is really nice with a bronze armour on a textured and ridged green bodysuit. There are a good variety of paint apps from the green of the suit to the metallic green on the bronze chest and the purple around the belt. Only the boots are a let down being a plain plastic rather than the metallic colouring.
The cloak is a rubberised piece - Legends have not got into soft goods as yet. This hangs well and has a detailed design printed on the reverse in green, with further insert metallic purple diamonds around the inside of the cloak. One criticism is that it is a bit too heavy and does cause the figure to topple backwards from what should be simple upright poses.

Accessories 2/5
The only additional parts with Mysterio are a pair of balled fist hands. I am not sure why the figure comes with gripping hands initially as he has nothing to hold or carry, but it is good to have some alternatives. The hands pop in and out easily enough.
I will update this section further after the movie once I can see if there is anything obvious Mysterio could have come with - but at this stage I guess the missing pieces are those rubbery translucent FX pieces we recently saw on Binary Captain Marvel. Cast a couple of those in green and throw them in and Mysterio gains another dimension for display.

Articulation 4/5
Mysterio comes with 18 points of articulation.
Head - ball joint with pivot
Body - torso T-joint, waist swivel
Arms - butterfly shoulders, ball joint shoulders, bicep swivel, double jointed elbows, pivot wrist
Legs - ball joint hips, thigh swivel, single joint knee, ankle rocker
That globe head is articulated and moves really well although doing so adds nothing really to the pose as it looks the same from any angle or rotation. There is only a touch of movement in the chest, more leaning backwards and rotating than any forward stomach crunch position.
Legs and arms are fully mobile, but of course with a fixed cape the legs posing is always restricted by the cape. They do allow for some awesome flying poses on an appropriate flight stand. As mentioned earlier the cape does also make the figure heavier at the back and prone to toppling backwards.

I really loved the look of Mysterio from the moment he appeared on the Far from Home trailer, and he was then my first pick from the Far from Home wave. While the lack of an unmasked head is a downside, the rest of the figure is well sculpted and painted and the only other real concern is the balancing of the figure with that heavy cape wanting to pull him backwards.

I score the Spider-Man : Far from Home Mysterio a splendid 4 out of 5.
