The Marvel Legends figure of Sersi was released in the Autumn of 2021 as part of the MCU Eternals wave. The wave was made up entirely of MCU characters from the Eternals movie and it also included a BAF of Gilgamesh, allowing collectors to round out the full complement of Eternals when you combined the full-wave with the exclusive releases of Thena and Ajak.
Sersi was packed along with the leg of Gilgamesh. He arrives in the standard Legends packaging with a golden theme around the nameplate and via the symbols on the side art. The rear of the box, and the card back, carries on that theme but blends it up to a starscape and with the Eternal circular symbol imprinted within. Alongside the artwork and BAF checklist on the back of the box is a short overview of Sersi's powers.
"The Eternal with an affinity for humanity, Sersi has the ability to manipulate matter, changing the make-up of any non-sentient material she touches"
With much of the Eternals wave disappointing with the head sculpts it is great to see Sersi buck that trend and gets back on track in terms of the quality of head sculpt and deco we expect from the Marvel Legends line. The likeness to Gemma Chan is impressive, with the photo-real face print capturing her eyes brilliantly as well as adding realistic shading around the facial features - it is a triumph.
The hair is OK but has been sculpted as though blowing in the wind. This gives Sersi a dynamic look but does restrict the head movement slightly as any tilting of the head leaves the hair levitating. I would have preferred to see the more flowing hair we see on the box art.
Like most of the other Eternals, the costume on Sersi is fairly accurate to the screen costume although it is missing the rear silver flowing robes, and the shoulder armour that we see on screen and ironically on the box art. The body shape itself is accurate in terms of Sersi's slim build and height. While you could have forgiven Hasbro for re-using parts between Sersi and Makkari - this is not the case, and every item on Sersi is sculpted for her figure. The body translates from the sculpted parts to a softer rubber sleeve over the midsection that translates down into the skirt section and the flowing elements of the lower robes while maintaining the waist and body shape.
The decor captures the central celestial logo on her chest to the lines and patterns of the costume which is predominantly a metallic green with inlaid painted silver panels and designs. Paintwork, where applied, is neat and tidy with no obvious errors or issues.
It is no surprise to find Sersi packed only with a spare pair of hands only as accessories. You get a pair of open palm hands fitted with Sersi in the box and can swap these out for a clenched fist right hand, and gesturing left hand with two fingers outstretched - her hand position when she reaches out to items to transform them. These interchange well enough.
Sersi's celestial power does not translate into something Hasbro could have included as an effect accessory, but it would have been good to have a bit more perceived value with Sersi such as the dagger we see at the start of the movie.
Sersi has a total of 16 points of articulation with a pinless application across the body. As a slimmer female figure her elbows are downgraded to a single joint which also rotates, this then negates the need for a bicep swivel. The arms remain pretty wide-ranging in their movement, although the shoulders are a little loose.
The legs can move within the confines of the lower skirt and work securely to keep Sersi standing once posed with a secure ratchet operation at the knees and ankles, and tight joints at the hips.
Sersi is arguably the best looking overall from the Eternals wave, but is missing key components of her costume - notably the rear cloak piece and shoulder armour, although the latter would have interfered with her articulation. Said articulation is good, particularly the pinless execution, but does suffer from limited arm movement and loose joints at the shoulders.
Sersi will finish an Eternals team display brilliantly and is also a good standalone figure in terms of overall execution. She has suffered slightly - as happens with many first waves of MCU movies - from being based on what you assume is early designs and concepts.
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About Me : As a child of the 70's and 80's I grew up in a golden age for action figures and in my youth bought and sold myself through collections of Star Wars, G.I. Joe (Action Force) and M.A.S.K. while also dabbling in He-Man, Transformers and Ghostbusters. Roll forward and I am now reliving that Youth with the action figures of today and am a collector and fan of the larger 6-8 inch figures from my favourite movie and TV licences - including the ones mentioned above, but also the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Who and the Aliens. I launched The Mephitsu Archives in 2015 with a view of creating a UK focused site or these figures where fans can pick up the latest action figure news, read reviews and get information on where to buy their figures and what is currently on store shelves. I hope I am delivering that to you guys...