As is often the case Diamond Select produced an exclusive figure for Iron Man 3 which was sold exclusively in Disney Stores. The Iron Patriot is a repaint of War Machine and actually reflects more accurately what was seen in the film. We have covered the sculpt and articulation of this figure in our War Machine review, so if you have arrived here first then CLICK THROUGH to have a read of the War Machine review above to see what I think about the sculpt and articulation. The only difference between War Machine Mark 2 and the Iron Patriot is the same difference as the film, a paint job,. And what a paint job this is. Where as War Machine was a very muted monotone figure, Patriot just screams "look at me" even upstaging any of the Iron Man figures in your display. In the symbolic Red and Blue, both of these colours are applied in a a sharp metallic finish with the infils done in silver. The silver pieces appear much more reflective and brighter than the paint used on War Machine which gives the whole figure a sparkle. The decals are still included with wording on the shoulder pads and the forearms. Patriot also comes with the two head options - with the unmasked version being Colonel Rhodes and in my case is a bit crisper on the paint finish than the War Machine head. Iron Patriot however still carries the same gripes as its base companion with a wobbly right leg impeding him standing well and the shoulder cannon feeling flimsy. Because of these I can't score Patriot past the same 4 out of 5 I gave War Machine.... even with a killer paint job