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Review : Rory Williams, Doctor Who, US Exclusive 2013

Writer: MephitsuMephitsu

Welcome to our review of the Doctor Who US Exclusive release of Rory Williams from 2013. After releasing two versions of this figure in the UK with varying colour schemes, Character Options - via then US distributor Underground Toys - made this third variant available to US collectors through the WHONA store.


Packaging 3/5

The figure is packed in what was the standard blister card packaging for the Matt Smith era of figures. This is a shaped card back with blue vortex design, and onto this sits a a TARDIS shaped blister. In front of the blister there is an insert with the Dr Who log and the character name of Rory Williams. The packaging is the same on this US release as the UK versions.

Round the back is an image of actor Arthur Darvill in his trademark gilet and shirt - although the image is sporting a different colour scheme than the one on the figure. There is also a hefty text piece that essentially tells you the whole of Rory's storyline in his first Doctor Who series - so much for anyone who hasn't seen the episodes.

"Amy Pond's fiance who, on his stag night found himself whisked away in the TARDIS. After defeating the Saturnyens and the Dream Lord, Rory was killed saving the Doctor's life during a battle with the Silurians. However, his body was absorbed by the time energies leaking across time and space - resulting in him never existing. However, his essence was placed into an Auton replica of himself in Roman times and after briefly reuniting with Amy, he accidentally killed her. To restore her, the Doctor placed her in the Pandorica and for two thousand years Rory stood guard over her, the legendary Lone Centurion. When time was finally rebooted, Rory became human again, married Amy and once again joined her and the Doctor in the TARDIS."

The packaging has to be ripped to open and it is good to know that since these releases the Character team have moved to a window box design. Rory is tied into the insert with a paper tie that is a bit frustrating to untie but is easy to snip with a pair of scissors.


Sculpt and Paint 3/5

The figure bares a good resemblance to Arthur Darvill and it is consistent with other figures in the line in that the paint work is pretty flat with a one tone skin colour. The eyes are quite cartoonish with a large black line above the pupils. There is a touch of pink to define the lips. The hair is a single brown colour but it sculpted so the depth is created by the lights and shadow.

Rory's costume is made up of a sculpted shirt over which is a gilet that is an individual piece, but glued in place. The shirt is un-tucked and sits over a pair of plain trousers. The shirt and gilet are a one tone colour but the trousers are painted with some blue wash to make them look like jeans. The shoes are a plain brown.

This costume is identical in sculpt to the two previous versions of Rory. The first with blue gilet was a general release, while the second in black gilet was a BBC Store UK exclusive. None of the Rory's were totally sceen accurate as Rory more than not wore a checked shirt. This is a colour scheme not seen on screen.


Articulation 3/5

The Character Doctor Who line comes with a certain expectation on articulation and the basic level joints have not really changed since the line started in 2006. Rory has 16 points of articulation, which sounds impressive but the joints themselves are showing their age.

The head and neck is one cast piece plugged into the torso so that can rotate only. The arms are similarly connected so they can only rotate around one axis and not out from the body. There is a bicep split to rotate the lower arms, but as the arm sculpt is so flat any turn of this joint makes the arms look bizarre. Under this is a pegged elbow joint with the pegs clearly visible either side of the elbow. Hands are also cast as one piece and plugged into the arms.

The waist is jointed and the torso can be rotated and this joint is neatly hidden by the shirt tails. Under here, and also partly disguised, are T-joint hips which swing out to the side and forward as needed. The thigh split under this allows the legs to be turned out for stability, particularly useful as there is no ankle rocker. That therefore leaves a pegged knee as the final joint again with very visible peg ends either side of the joint.


Accessories N/A

Rory does not come with any accessories



This Rory figure is a niche addition to any Doctor Who collection. Having originally been quite restricted to US sales via WHONA, there is no a less bouyant aftermarket and the figure can be picked up for about the same as the current retail for a basic 5 inch Who figure.

You are getting a figure here that is about 10 years out of sync with other lines. This means it fits into a Who collection without looking out of place, but this also means you are accepting a basic level of paint apps, sculpting and articulation.

Considering all this I score the US exclusive Rory Williams as an average 3/5


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