In 2019, two years after the movie's release, Hasbro released a Marvel Legends 2-Pack of Spider-Man and MJ from the first Spider-Man movie Homecoming. The set would be a debut for MJ, while Spider-Man was a variant to the previous Homecoming releases as he is wearing his Yellow Midtown Blazer. The set was exclusive to Target stores in the US, but was available internationally via the Fan Channel.
Packaging 3/5
The box for MJ and Peter is a standard Marvel Legends 2-Pack box with the scooped sides and shaped widow. The Legends logo sits on the top rail, while the movie logo sits underneath the figure window. To either side is a red panel for the character name - Spider-Man on the right and Marvel's MJ on the left.
The side art is interesting and very in tune with the theme of the movie. Rather than the usual character profile, we have a series of images as though taken on the trip with a logo for Midtown and a ticket stub for the Washington Memorial interspersed. Sadly these are the same on both sides with the right hand spine seeing all the images mirrored so they look a bit off.
The back of the box moves away from the usual Legends format and strays into that used by the First Ten Years / 80th Anniversary sets with the use of a Movie Poster. To the side of this are another couple of passport photo type shots of Spider-Man and MJ and under this is a short piece of background text.
"Students at the Midtown School of Science and Technology, Peter Parker and MJ experience the powers of Spider-Man first hand when the web-slinger must suit up to take down the Vulture"

Paint & Sculpt 4/5
Spider-Man is presented in his mask with sculpted weblines and the two shaped eye pieces which are then painted in white. The body is a full Spider Suit with sculpted weblines and Spider-log on his chest and this is cat in red and blue with painted detailing, including some very crisp lines on the blue parts of the suit.
The blazer and hoody are two individual pieces of rubbery plastic over pieces. Despite there combined width, they are designed to sit well against the body and each other and do not detract from the look or shape of the figure. Both parts are cast in their base colour, with paint applied in silver for the zip of the hoodie. The hoodie is technically the wrong colour, coming in a dark blue rather than the lighter blue we see in the promo images. The yellow blazer has a decal applied on the left breast pocket for Midtown High. Buttons on the blazer front and on both cuffs are also painted.

The head and most of the body are taken directly from the 2017 Spider-Man figure, but the lining on the blue of the suit is much more defined on this 2019 version. The heads are identical and can be interchanged with the alternative mask and unmasked head from the 2017 two pack.

Accessories 3/5
Spider-Man comes with a two pairs of hands, a pair of web slinging hands and a pair of clenched fists. He comes with one of each applied to the figure, with the alternatives to the side in the box.
The hands are also identical to the 2017 version and are cast in a red plastic with sculpted weblines and some grey paint washed into the weblines for definition. They are easy enough to swap in and out.
Considering the yellow blazer is used predominantly in the marketing for Homecoming, and is often shown with Peter wearing headphones and a rucksack, it is a shame these are not included.

Articulation 5/5
Even though he is rocking a school blazer, Spider-Man remains fully articulated with a total of 21 points of articulation, including retention of the chest joint and butterfly shoulders from the original figure
Head : ball joint neck with pivot
Body : T-Joint ratchet chest, waist swivel
Arms : butterfly shoulder, ball joint shoulder, bicep swivel, double joint elbows, wrist pivot
Legs : ball joint hips, thigh swivel, double joint knees, ankle rocker
The first port of call is the laid back pose we see on the movie poster, and this is pretty much achievable other than his butt sits a bit too far off the ground. He can also pose for fighting stances or web shooting. Spidey can also kneel fully on one or both legs.

All the joints on Spider-Man are tight and secure, and he stands perfectly fine. He poses really well with the accompanying MJ figure, and as is accurate to their respective heights - she does stand taller than Peter.

The Yellow Blazer Spider-Man look was synonymous with the marketing for Spider-Man Homecoming and also featured in the movie - so it is a great alternative look for a character like Spider-Man who's costume rarely changes dramatically. It is a re-use figure, but there was not a great deal wrong with the initial figure in terms of sculpt and this version also improves on the paint job.

Accessories are a big of a disappointment and I would have like to have seen an unmasked Peter head or rucksack and/or headphones. Aside from this it is a solid figure with good articulation and certainly adds some vibrancy to a display.
I score the Homecoming Spider-Man from the MJ two pack an above average 4 out of 5.

About Me : As a child of the 70's and 80's I grew up in a golden age for action figures and in my youth bought and sold myself through collections of Star Wars, G.I. Joe (Action Force) and M.A.S.K. while also dabbling in He-Man, Transformers and Ghostbusters. Roll forward and I am now reliving that Youth with the action figures of today and am a collector and fan of the larger 6-8 inch figures from my favourite movie and TV licences - including the ones mentioned above, but also the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Who and the Aliens. I launched The Mephitsu Archives in 2015 with a view of creating a UK focused site or these figures where fans can pick up the latest action figure news, read reviews and get information on where to buy their figures and what is currently on store shelves. I hope I am delivering that to you guys...
action figures, reviews, review, articulation, marvel legends, hasbro, spider-man, mj, spider-man homecoming