Review : The Goblin
Hellboy II (Mezco)
Wave/Series : Series 2
Released : 2008
Price : N/A
One of the very interesting creature designs from the Hellboy sequel, The Golden Army, was that of The Goblin. This character was the original creator of the Golden Army and turned up towards the end of the film to allow Hellboy into Bethmora and brought him before The Angel of Death.
The Goblin was released in action figure form in 2008 in the 2nd Series of Hellboy II figures from Mezco. He was packed in a blister pack with the backing card carrying a full image of Hellboy which sat behind the figure in the blister. On front of the blister was a lower card which carried the Golden Army log and the character name and series number.
Round the back is a brief plot outline for Hellboy II and then a pictorial checklist of the other figures in Series 2 as well as the highly sought after deluxe release of The Angel of Death.
Out of the pack and you are presented with the Goblin, the rear of his card and then a number of accessories. There is no clear instructions on how to build the figure, but using common sense and the picture from the back of the pack it isn't too hard to clip the front and back of the cart together. You then have two lanterns that click on arms either side of the cart near the Goblin arms, and two buckets which use hooks to hook over the rear of the cart.
The Goblin stands 5 and 1/4 inches in height and 7 inches in length. The sculpt, as I have come to expect from Mezco is pretty impressive. The head is a good match to the film prop as played by John Alexander, albeit under heavy make up and prosthetics. The face has defined lines and depth and very emotive eyes which sit under three horns, one of which is broken off.
Down into the body and the same depth of sculpt continues with the chubby Goblin's roll's of fat around his stomach that then sit into the straw of his cart. Round his neck are a number of pendents and charms and these are individually picked out. All the skin tones are a very sickly green, with subtle dry-brushing to bring out the almost reptilian scales of the skin.
Yet despite this detail, the figure then has some crab like creatures sculpted front and back and these are really soft in the detail - they are almost cartoonish and painted in a hideous gloss green with orange legs and almost look mismatched in term of quality and finish to the rest of the figure. Onto the cart which in its construction is well designed and also replicates the wooden ramshackle look from the movie. The ropes down each side are particularly realistic and well painted whilst also disguising the side clips that connect the two halves of the piece. On the cart back are a number of pieces including what look like shells, furs and some strange fruits or similar. Like the crabs, this section is a little soft in places and quite basic looking - a real contrast with the other parts of the cart.
The figure comes with one crutch already sculpted into his hand while the other is an accessory that fits into the right hand. This piece is also nicely done with a wooden grained effect. It sits securely into the right hand once you've negotiated it round a little bit and can then be posed as you wish. Articulation is limited to the head and arms only, with the head on a ball joint which allows the Goblin to look round fully and lean forward to look down as well as straight ahead.
The arms are the same as you would find on a normal figure with ball joints to allow the arms to go out to the side to about 45 degrees. They also rotate so they can be raised above his head. The elbows are single joint and very cleverly on the left arm this joint is replicated on the wooden splint which also bends with the arm. Unusually both wrists are fixed. The articulation does extend to the cart also, with the front wheel rotating to steer the cart. The back wheels also turn on a fully working axle.
The Goblin is a very unique piece based on a very unusual character design. Most of it is really well done, but in direct contrast their are some lazy parts like those funny spider/crab creatures and their odd paint. That aside this is still a good sculpt and a well engineered piece and deserves a steady score of 3 out of 5.