Happy #SatTOYDay
And welcome to Issue 95, our first issue of 2019 and an issue which is of course a week later than planned as the news in January has been a bit slow. As we head towards the New York Toyfair NECA in particular are ramping up their announcements and details of their early 2019 product - potentially clearing the decks ready for all the other goodies they plan to show us in February. As an Aliens fan, this issue see's two huge reveals from NECA with full details of their Alien 3 pack and the Alien Resurrection figures.
Elsewhere, the Hasbro reveals have seen the packaging reveals for General Grievous and the Marvel Legends X-Men wave. And of course we shouldn't forget the big Godzilla movie coming in 2019, with Jakks Pacific unveiling their line for the movie.
In reviews we look at what is actually one of my favourite releases from 2018, Val from the Star Wars Black Series.
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