Black & Gold Dragonzord
Year of Release
Type of Release
Series or Wave
SDCC 2023
Source Material
Power Rangers

We need Dragonzord Power, now! In celebration of 30 years of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fighting to protect Angel Grove from an array of evil monsters and space aliens, Super7 is excited to introduce the SDCC exclusive Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Dragonzord in Black & Gold. This towering 9” tall, highly-articulated Dragonzord is inspired by the holiday-exclusive Black & Gold Zords from the original 1993 toy line! With multiple interchangeable hands, a Green Ranger miniature accessory, and a real metal power coin replica, this event-exclusive Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Dragonzord in Black & Gold will be an impressive addition to any collection- and a morphenomenal way to celebrate 30 years of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!
Multiple interchangeable hands
Green Ranger miniature accessory
Real metal power coin replica