Captain Picard
Year of Release
Type of Release
Series or Wave
Star Trek Series 2
Source Material
Star Trek, The Next Generation

Only Captain Jean-Luc Picard can wield a phaser or a fencing foil with equal skill while quoting both Shakespeare and Starfleet regulations! This 7" highly articulated Star Trek: The Next Generation ULTIMATES! Captain Picard figure features multiple interchangeable heads, hands, and a wealth of accessories including a fencing foil, a cup of Earl Gray tea, and a phaser. No need to set your phasers to “stun” as this made-to-order Star Trek: The Next Generation ULTIMATES! Captain Picard will be such a stunning addition to your collection, it will stop anyone in their tracks!
2x Interchangeable Heads
1x Neutral Head
1x Smiling Head
8x Interchangeable Hands
2x Neutral hands
1x Sword Grip right hand
1x Phaser Grip right hand
1x Saucer Hold right hand
1x “Make it so” Pointer right hand
1x Book Grip left hand
1x Tea Cup Grip left hand
1x Shakespeare Book (The Globe Illustrated)
1x Phaser
1x Fencing Foil
1x Teacup
1x Tea Saucer