Year of Release
Type of Release
Series or Wave
Czarface Series 1
Source Material
Music and Bands, Czarface

Superhero? Supergroup? Super…what? On Earth as we know it, Czarface is a hip-hop juggernaut formed by Esoteric, 7L, Inspectah Deck, and artist Lamour Supreme. On Earth 808, in the war-torn streets of Czarlem specifically, Czarface is a champion to the righteous, menace to the corrupt, and a villain’s worst nightmare. Although Czarface has almost always chosen logic, reason, and language over sheer brutality, he has mastered 67 unarmed fighting systems, ranging from Krav Maga to strong style Puroresu and maintained a deadly grip on 34 weapon-based forms of combat. In crime-fighting and street justice, Czarface is considered a savant in both conflict de-escalation and lethal warfare techniques. Both incarnations of the chrome crusader strive for peace, justice, and equality.
3x interchangeable heads
1x Regular head
1x Open mouth head
1x Laser eyes head
9x interchangeable hands
2x Expressive hands
2x Metal fist hands
1x Red fist hand
2x Gripping hands
2x Alternate translucent gripping hands
2x Interchangeable missiles
1x Single missile
1x Double missiles
1x Cape (soft goods)