Dino Megazord
Year of Release
Type of Release
Series or Wave
Power Rangers Series 3
Source Material
Power Rangers

They say you never forget your first Zord and for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Dino Megazord is the one that started it all! Standing a whopping 8” tall, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Megazord figure features premium sculpting & deco and comes with two miniature Mighty Morphin Power Rangers figures. Wielding the Mega Power Sword along with the Mastodon Shield, evil stands no chance! Protect Angel Grove (and your Mighty Morphin Power Rangers collection) from Rita Repulsa and the forces of evil by getting the made-to-order ULTIMATES! Megazord!
4x Interchangeable Hands
2x Fists
2x Gripping Hands (Horizontal)
1x Power Sword
1x Mastodon Shield
2x Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Miniature Figures
1x Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger
2x Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger
1x Metal Megazord Power Coin