Rita Repulsa
Year of Release
Type of Release
Series or Wave
Power Rangers Series 2
Source Material
Power Rangers

Already an evil sorceress hellbent on conquering earth, Rita Repulsa’s 10,000 years of imprisonment in a dumpster did NOT improve her disposition- a fact the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Angel Grove, and all of Earth quickly learned the hard way! This 7” scale fully articulated Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! Rita Repulsa figure features multiple interchangeable heads and hands, soft-goods garments, and an arsenal of mischief-making accessories, including the Magic Wand, RepulsaScope, Green Power Crystal, and more! Failing to pre-order this Rita Repulsa ULTIMATES! figure would be even more ill-conceived than one of her plans to take over Angel Grove, so don’t miss your chance to add her to your collection!
3x interchangeable heads
Screaming head
Headache head
Kimberly Hart head
8x interchangeable hands
2x Fist hands
2x Gripping hands (vertical hinge)
2x Gripping hands (horizontal hinge)
2x Expressive hands
2x Gold Bracelets
1x Fabric Dress
1x Chest Armor
1x Magic Wand
1x Green Candle
1x Green Power Crystal
1x Love Potion
1x RepulsaScope